Blog, Sweet Blog

Archive for July 2009

Mood: Tired
Music: Acid Girls-This Is Who I Am And This Is What I Want Mix

We did it Internets! Somehow, I’ve managed to cajole, hoodwink, and harangue people into looking at my blog just over 1.0×10^3 times.  Granted, one in three of those views is prolly mine (I just love my blog), but numbas are numbas, people and you can’t argue with steam-powered locomotion.

I started this blog in…March, I think.  So, that’s about 250 views per month, but there is a slow, upward growth trend.  So, in other words, it should only take me another, 3.56 more years (approximately) to become “internet famous.”  I can’t wait.

In other news, this is like post 99, so stay tuned for a 100 Posts All-Star Spectacular just as soon as I get around to posting 100 posts.

In other, other news, my visit to the dentist was great and incident-free.  Actually, I was expecting some kind of something to happen, but it was totally normal.  Either they’re the most courteous and professional dental practice in the world, or it never occurred to them that I’m trans.  Either way, I highly recommend having an angst-free trip to the dentist.  Also, it looks like my name is good and changed with my university.  I posted this in the comments last time, but it seems like the problem was related to my numerous entries (due to numerous student jobs) in the HR database.  What the HR database has to do with my student email and random web greetings, I’ll never know.  Regardless, I’m glad it’s fixed.

Oh, and these lovelies have been clogging up my tabs for far too long…

Entangle II by Josh Keyes

Scorch II by Josh Keyes

Death by James Jirat Patradoon

Untitled by James Jirat Patradoon

Untitled by James Jirat Patradoon

Mood: Ready for bed
Music: The voices in my head

So, I saw the Chloe Prince show.  I thought it was pretty balanced and well-done, but I don’t have any plan to comment further.  I’m watching her chat and webcast right now and I thought I would share the bounty of the Internet’s genius with you.  This is supposed to be  an after-show followup kind of thing, but the chat part quickly devolved into the worst kind of Internet joke.  And it went on like this for hours.  I think these selected excerpts from her chat log speak for themselves…

21:55 Babs : Do you think you could ever be in a lesbian affair?
21:55 Babs : loveforlife is interested

21:57 arty : ok that last post of mine didnt make sense once out of my head

21:57 Jamie : In other countries they STONE the wifes to death when they ‘misbehave’   here we kill them digitally…. what is the difference?   I think everybody that is say

21:58 Babs : dou youhave a epipen I hope.

22:03 bfu : Yes the breasts are very nice

22:05 arty : I am female and my husband has klinefelters
22:05 CurtisLoew : lol

22:05 CAT changed their nickname to CAT.

22:05 CurtisLoew : bow chicka wow wow

22:08 sc diane : bing bam zoom
22:10 sad : You suck

22:12 luvlife : ohhh drive into a truck, his someone else

22:13 N : No, God made her a man. Jesus saved her and can save you too
22:13 luvlife : cry now
22:13 Joy : fate made her a man, God made her soul and she figured out a way to set it free
22:13 N : christians are not haters


22:19 phildog : Canada! *** yea!
22:19 phildog : Canada! Hell Yea!
22:19 phildog : Canada Rocks!
22:19 phildog : Oh Canada, my home and native land.
22:19 phildog : True patriot love, in all our sons command. 


22:20 sc diane : Shania Twain is Canadian

22:20 bfu : SHANIA TWAIN????

22:26 CurtisLoew : enough with the questions how about a fashion show

22:28 CHRIS HANSEN : wait i have a question, you once had a ***, now you have a vagoo?
22:28 CHRIS HANSEN : a pen15

22:28 yakui changed their nickname to HIBILLYMAYSHERE.


22:30 CHRIS HANSEN : Hi arty, please have a seat over there.

22:30 phildog : We also invented other wonderful phrases.

22:30 BSF : General McAuliffe said “Nuts” when the Germans asked him to surrender the city of Bastogne. That took courage, a lot of it!  You showed the same courage!!

Thank you disturbed shut-ins of the Internets!  Keep doing what ya do!

Mood: A little perturbed
Music: ABC Primetime: Family Secrets!

I’m only going to try meth once.  I’m not going to be like that guy.

or this guy…

or these guys…

Gonzo Journalism

Seriously you guys…have you seen those awesome meth commericals?  They make me want to try meth at least once.  I’m pretty sure I could take meth (just once) and not become a troubled youngster who engages in morally bankrupt behavior.  Now who’s with me?

Mood: So good
Music: Pink Essence TV-Live with Chloe

I don’t usually do this, but Chloe seems like a good egg, so…

If you hadn’t already heard, there’s a show on ABC tonight (check your local listings) about a transsexual woman called, “Family Secrets: ABC Primetime – The Chloe Prince Story.”

She's the one on the left.

If you have any questions about trans stuff, you should prolly watch it.  She seems to be a sane and well-spoken example of a trans-woman who’s making it work.  There’s more about the show on her blog.

In other news, I have my first, post-transition dental appointment today and I’m a little bit nervous.  I had a bad dream about the appointment, but I’m sure it will be fine.  I swear, one day I’ll be done with all of these uncomfortable first-time experiences.

Mood: Surly
Music: Sleater-Kinney-Hollywood Ending

UGH!   I’ve changed my name most everywhere and I haven’t had many problems with the old one creeping up…except for at my university.  I’m taking an engineering management graduate class, Project Management Systems (weee!) in the fall.  This class will be like a refresher before I start back to grad school for my MSEE in the spring (or next fall).   So, I’ve been trying to take care of everything before the semester starts and, frustratingly, my old name pops up all over the place.  I’ve put in a few helpdesk tickets to fix it, but it seems like they’re only fixing one instance at a time.  Today, I checked my student email and sent out a test message and my address comes up like…

Old Name []

So, that’s been a lot of fun.  I sent them another email a few minutes ago and asked them if they could just, you know, fix everything all at the same time.  The thing that kills me is that this is a new school, sort of.  I graduated from another campus, so some of the records are the same, but most are different.  I changed my name with the registrar at the old campus and I thought I was done.  Silly rabbit.

Right now, the whole thing bothers me, but it’s more of an annoyance.  However, I’ll be nigh-devestated if this sort of mistake pops up in the classroom or during the school year.  I can imagine a professor getting a class roster with my old name on it and demanding to know who I am and why I’m not on their list.  Good times.

an introduction

Hi, I'm Anna and I love cheese!

This blog is a chronicle of my life and a catalog of happy ephemera. The About page has a little bit more information, but, remember, none of this is really's just a supplement, a thumbnail sketch, a mostly anonymous Intarwebs placeholder. I'm way better/less wordy in person. :-)

Oh, and if I wrote something about you and you thought it was mean or hurtful, I'm sorry. It's how I felt at the time, but probably isn't how I feel now. Chances are, I love you and I think you're awesome.


All content on Blog, Sweet Blog is copyrighted by me, Anna Hell. Unless otherwise noted, all photos, words, and content on this site are mine, created by me, and should not be used without my permission (or at least attributed and linked back). I try to embed links or quote original source material if I use another person's work.

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  • 46,494 hits
July 2009